Welcome to Pocketbike SA | a Division of Cape Hardware CC 2006/140343/23 - Serving the Pocketbike Community for 20 Years
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Issue: Bike Not Starting

  1. Check your key and barrel mechanism and make sure that all wires are connected properly
  2. Insert key clockwise position – 1 click
  3. Put safety switch to ON position
  4. Firmly press the rubber cap down on the kill switch
  5. Clean spark plug ensuring the gap is 0.6mm. Firmly press the coil on the plug to ensure proper contact
  6. Check for a spark by holding the spark plug with cord on the engine and pull start
  7. Pull start the bike, without giving throttle, when the choke is activated (this is normally in the up position)
  8. Turn carburettor fuel cap on (horizontal position)
  9. Open screw (wing nut) at the bottom of the carburettor and drain the old fuel. Now mix new fuel
  10. Spray “Kwik Start” on the air filter for 1 second, put choke off and pull start
  11. Once you hear the engine starting, put choke down and throttle slightly. Pull start again if needed
  12. Don’t throttle when the choke is on, the engine will flood. 

Issue: Bike Cutting Out / Bike Idle Settings

  1. Turn spring screw located on the carburettor clockwise at half turn increments until idling increases
  2. Anticlockwise rotation will reduce the idling
  3. Throttle constantly so the fuel can be ignited in the cylinder
  4. Make sure the carburettor & air filter are cleaned regularly 

Issue: No Drive

  1. Wait for the engine to warm up by putting the choke down and gently throttle
  2. Never throttle when choke is on, this will flood the carburettor 
  3. Check clutch linings. Then you need to replace the clutch
  4. Check that the springs on the clutch are not broken or disconnected and replace if needed
  5. Check that the chain is connected properly on the sprockets & adjust if necessary

Issue: Bike Not Turning Off

  1. Check the wires from the cut-off switch to the engine are properly connected

Issue: Pull start Not Coming out when pulled

  1. An incorrect fuel mixture could seize the piston. This is normally if too little or no  oil is added to the fuel mixture. Please contact us for service/repair. 
  2. Check clutch housing is free of any inrusions and ensure the springs are not detached
  3. Piston could be seized. Try and turning the flywheel by hand. If you are unable to move it, please contact us for service/repair. 
  4. Check that the ignition coil is not touching the flywheel and adjust if necessary. 

Issue: Pull Start Making a Clicking Noise

  1. The spring in the pull start could be broken
  2. Replace pull start mechanism. Shop Pull starts here. 
  3. Easy pull starters should never be pulled hard and fast, these have a double spring system designed to assist you when pull starting
  4. Standard spring pull starters must be pulled hard and fast. 

Maintenance: Carburettor Care

  1. Remove and clean carburettor with carb cleaner every 2-3 months or 100 hours of use.
  2. Remove jet in the middle of the carburettor by turning anti-clockwise then spray carb cleaner through the jet to free any dirt, grime or blockages.
  3. Open the carburettor bowl by unscrewing the 2 screws and clean with carb cleaner. NB: Ensure the rubber gasket is sealed properly when putting back the carburettor bowl.

Maintenance:  Chain Care

  1. Check Chain Tension every month or after every 20 hours of use. 
  2. Move chain up and down 1cm from horizontal position when tightening
  3. Align, tighten and clean the chain, then spray with lubrication

Issue: Fuel Leak

  1. Check all the fuel pipes are connected and clamped correctly
  2. Replace any damaged pipes, filter and missing fuel clamps

Issue: Black Deposits Coming From Exhaust 

It is normal to see some black smoke or residue coming from the motor as the motor burns the oil in the fuel mixture. If the black smoke is excessive and continuous please contact us for service/repair.