Stores Trading under Similar names to Ours
Good day our fellow Pocket bike SA Enthusiasts
It has come to our attention that other retailer stores in the industry are trading on names very similar to ours like SA Pocket bike or Pocket Bike Mania SA which is extremely similar to our company name which confuses customers on Google search engine
Our company is registered with the CIPC under our sister company Cape Hardware CC T/A Pocket bike SA with registration number 2006/140343/23
Please note that the following businesses although offering similar products, services and parts are in NO WAY associated with us in any way or form
Therefore, we will need from now on your online order number (PB####) or till invoice for any warranty or claims etc... as some customers are purchasing from other stores online and bringing their issues into us for assistance or calling us to track their online orders to which we are unable to assist where warranty claims are concerned
We have also learnt that some individuals are purchasing our products or coping our product lines and re-selling the items on their platforms as a 3rd party retailer but then re-directing their customers to us for repairs or assistance where in this case the warranty is void as the item was not purchased directly from us and we have no idea who assembled or worked on the bikes in question
Rather contact us Directly for any online orders or assistance cutting out the middleman
Thank you
Pocketbike SA Team